README-enlightenment.txt To import the Enlightenment DR Desktop Environment for Ubuntu-based dCores add the following repository to /opt/debextra, substitute wily with the Ubuntu version being used: xenial main Import the enlightenment package: sce-import -b enlightenment 
For the connection manager module import connman. For audio / video play directly from the Enlightenment File Manager, and also for the Rage player, import: gstreamer1.0-libav, gstreamer1.0-plugins-good, gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad, gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly Additional imports and notes: * Terminology terminal emulator, see: other efl based program are available adding testing main under debextra like: * Rage: video & audio player, see: * econnman: connection manager configurator * ecrire: simple text editor * enjoy: Music player * empc: mpd music player * ephoto: image viewer/editor/manipulator/slideshow creator * enventor: Dynamic EDC editor * express: IRC client with enhanced media capabilities * For Debian-based dCores add the following repository to /opt/debextra and import the enlightenment and terminology packages: unstable main contrib non-free sce-import -b enlightenment sce-import -b terminology and / or jessie efl