#!/bin/sh #. /etc/init.d/tc-functions #checkroot TODAY=`date +%Y/%m/%d` PACKAGE="rage" VERSION="0.1.4" MIRROR="https://download.enlightenment.org/rel/apps/$PACKAGE" DESCRIPTION="a video and audio player written with Enlightenment Foundation Libraries with some extra bells and whistles." AUTHORS="Carsten Haitzler <raster@rasterman.com> Eduardo Lima (Etrunko) <eblima@gmail.com>" HOMEPAGE="https://www.enlightenment.org/about-rage" LICENSE="Copyright (C) 2014 Carsten Haitzler and various contributors" ME="jls_legalize (jlslegalize@gmail.com" DEPS="libelementary" DEVDEPS="libelementary-dev" BUILDDEPS="build-essential \ wget" TCUSER=`cat /etc/sysconfig/tcuser` SRC="${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}.tar.xz" THISDIR=`pwd` PKGDIR="${THISDIR}/${PACKAGE}" SRCDIR="${PKGDIR}/${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}" TCEDIR=/etc/sysconfig/tcedir CURRENT="${TODAY} First version $VERSION" clean(){ rm -rf ${THISDIR}/${PACKAGE} } environment(){ for each in ${DEVDEPS} ${BUILDDEPS}; do sce-load ${each} done [ -d "${PKGDIR}" ] && rm -rf ${PKGDIR} mkdir -p ${PKGDIR}/tmp cd ${PKGDIR} wget --no-check-certificate ${MIRROR}/${SRC} mkdir ${SRCDIR} xz -d ${SRC} /bb/tar -xf $PACKAGE-${VERSION}.tar } buildit(){ cd ${SRCDIR} make clean ./configure ${FLAGS} || exit 1 echo -n "Press Enter key." read gagme make || exit 1 make DESTDIR=${PKGDIR}/tmp install-strip || exit 1 } packageit(){ cd ${PKGDIR}/tmp [ -e ../${PACKAGE}.sce ] && rm ../${PACKAGE}.sce mksquashfs . ../${PACKAGE}.sce cd ${PKGDIR} md5sum ${PACKAGE}.sce > ${PACKAGE}.sce.md5.txt size=`du -h ${PACKAGE}.sce | cut -f 1` cat <<EOF> ${PACKAGE}.sce.info Title: ${PACKAGE} Description: ${DESCRIPTION} Version: ${VERSION} Author: ${AUTHORS} Original-site: ${HOMEPAGE} Copying-policy: ${LICENSE} Size: ${size} Extension_by: ${ME} Comments: Change-log: Current: ${CURRENT} EOF } tarit(){ cd ${PKGDIR}/tmp [ -e ../${PACKAGE}.tar.gz.list ] && rm ../${PACKAGE}.tar.gz.list for dir in `ls -A`; do find ${dir} -not -type d | sort >> ../${PACKAGE}.tar.gz.list done tar cvzf ../${PACKAGE}.tar.gz * cd ${PKGDIR} md5sum ${PACKAGE}.tar.gz > ${PACKAGE}.tar.gz.md5.txt [ -e ${PACKAGE}.dep ] && rm ${PACKAGE}.dep for each in ${DEPS}; do echo ${each} >> ${PACKAGE}.dep; done tar cvf ../${PACKAGE}.tar \ ${PACKAGE}.tar.gz \ ${PACKAGE}.tar.gz.md5.txt \ ${PACKAGE}.tar.gz.list \ ${PACKAGE}.dep \ ../${PACKAGE}.dcbuild } #here we go #clean #environment #buildit #packageit tarit